Shroom Shroom Shroom

Mushroom pick up line : “You should go out with me, I’m a fungi”. Get it? Fungi? Like, fun guy?


Okay, bad mushroom jokes aside, some people just love eating mushrooms. They’re amazing, they come in so many different varieties, shapes, colours and sizes. Now imagine a burger with no meat, but a deep fried mushroom patty instead, topped with cheese, and, you guessed it, more mushrooms. Sounds like a mushroom lover’s dream doesn’t it? I guess you could say a burger like this doesn’t leave mushroom (much room) for improvement ?.

Okay now that i’m completely out of mushroom puns, let’s talk about the Shroom Shroom Shroom, definitely a burger for all the mushroom lovers out there. Given the name Shroom Shroom Shroom for the three types of mushrooms that are inside this burger, this burger is one of myBurgerLab’s non-meat options.

A fried portobello patty sitting on a bed of lettuce and cherry tomatoes, some cheddar cheese, and a generous helping of Shiitake and Enoki mushrooms, all kept together by a freshly baked charcoal bun. Sure to be a treat for mushroom lovers, as well as those craving a meat-free burger fix.