[THANK YOU TRAVELLERS! ✨] Hello everyone! #HoYoFESTMY is now over with the last day being an absolute blast! We've...
Posted by myBurgerLab on Thursday, December 16, 2021
HoYo FEST: Genshin Impact – Congratulations!
Posted on 12th December 2021
A very big congratulations to #GenshinImpact for winning the Game Awards: Mobile Game of the Year Award! We’re so proud to be working with champions and wish #miHoYo all the best for the future! ?
We had no doubt at all that Genshin would be the winners! And if you didn’t already know, they’re giving out 1600 Primogems for free to all Genshin players! ? That’s a 10 pull to hopefully get your fave characters – everyone’s a winner! Thanks again Genshin & MiHoYo for choosing #myBurgerLab to host #HoYoFESTMY!
Read more about it here https://games.mxdwn.com/news/the-game-awards-2021-genshin-impact-wins-best-mobile-game-and-reveals-new-game-trailer/
HoYo FEST: Genshin Impact – How Things Are Going So Far
Posted on 11th December 2021
If you ask us to describe how #HoYoFEST #GenshinImpact has been going so far, we’d say: POG!
It’s been an absolute blast serving each and every one of you, chit-chatting about anything an everything (mostly Genshin ?), and of course seeing all the creative and awesome cosplay! And even to those who wake up earlier than us to queue for merch in the morning ?
We wish we could upload more pics here, but we’ll have a proper photo book of all the happenings and shots we took up on this page at the end of the event so everyone can take a look! In the meantime, let’s have a great last few days of #HoYoFESTMY and cap off the event with a bang!
HoYo FEST: Genshin Impact – Merchandise Rules (Update)
Posted on 2nd December 2021Hi Travellers! Are you guys ready for Day 1 of Genshin Impact tomorrow? We’re PUMPED!
Of course we have to do a little reminder on the merchandise rules and conduct while at #HoYoFESTMY ✨
First thing’s first, we have to stress this because we are still receiving questions as such: If it isn’t your reservation or pickup date, you won’t be eligible to purchase any merchandise at a first come first serve basis. Only Travellers with their reservation or pickup on the same day can come to queue and purchase merchandise!
Other than that, the system will be similar to the previous 2 games of #HoYoFEST as in order to purchase any merchandise, you will have to be in the queue at East Entrance of MyTOWN Shopping Centre! We will start running checks at about 9am. A limited amount of merchandise will be sold each day as instructed.
It’s first come first serve! Our team will be giving out turn numbers starting from the first in line, down to the back. If you’re in line and don’t have a turn number, you unfortunately won’t be able to purchase any merchandise (fret not there will still be some freebies that comes together with your meals!) ?? If you don’t get a turn number, we will unfortunately need you to exit the queue as to avoid over-crowding. This is to ensure we do not get any trouble with the authorities as per MOH’s latest announcements. We need your greatest cooperation to ensure that the event sees through its 12-days!
Those with no turn numbers, will not be able to come on subsequent days as per the ruling set, however there will still be a merchandise pre-order counter at the Lab available to take pre-orders for HoYo FEST exclusive merch!
Remember when at the event, to have fun, enjoy the burgers, take memorable pictures, and spend time with your friends! More importantly, please remember to practice our social distancing, and our clean & healthy habits aights! Let’s have a safe and fun HoYo FEST Malaysia! ?
Achievement Unlocked : Tears of Themis ✅
Posted on 30th November 2021
And just like that, we’re close to wrapping up the final day of HoYoFEST : Tears of Themis. The experience was truly something that befuddled us at the beginning, for sure. But coming to the end, we can’t help but look back and see all the lessons we’ve learned, as well as the many amazing people we’ve met.
To everyone that came to support us during this event, you have our warmest thanks, and our humble appreciation for your patience, support, as well as guidance ✨ Some days were smooth sailing, and others were tough, much like life itself. But one thing that always put the fire back in our grills, was knowing that you were all having an amazing time!
Special Shout-out to Yuki Chan ?, who put her thoughts on paper in the form of both a letter and a drawing and left us wallowing in happy tears at the end of a long shift ?
Of course, there were many more of you who sent in your kind words of support (you know who you are!), and we want you to know that we appreciate them all the same too ?
We had a blast serving all of you, and we hope you will all look back on this time fondly ? Now, onwards to HoYoFEST : Genshin Impact, which begins this Friday ?
With Love,
The mBL Geeks
Genshin Impact Pre-Orders SOLD OUT
Posted on 25th November 2021Hi Travellers!
We have an announcement to make: We’re now SOLD OUT for all slots for HoYo FEST: Genshin Impact!
Unfortunately, there won’t be any more slots as we are now completely full up for the 12 days of the event following seating SOPs ?
Congratulations to all those who managed to get a slot for Genshin! We look forward to seeing you there at myBurgerLab MyTOWN!
To those that didn’t manage to get a slot, hopefuly we get another opportunity to do a collaboration like this again and we’ll see ya there! We’ll definitely be more prepared and better suited by then to handle everything!
Until next time Travellers! See you soon!
Genshin Impact Pre-Orders Open Tomorrow @ 3PM
Posted on 24th November 2021
Hi Travellers! We do hope that everyone got their slots for dine-in & pick-up on the myBurgerLab+ App for #HoYoFEST Genshin Impact! Here’s what you have to look forward to in your Combo Meal:
? Burger of Choice
? Side of Nachos
? Celestial Shower Icy Blue Mint Tea with HoYo FEST cup-sleeve
? A random Coaster – Aether, Lumine, or Paimon (Randomized Design as requested by miHoYo)
? Sticker Set featuring all 3 characters; Aether, Lumine, and Paimon
? A limited edition Genshin Impact Postcard
Here are the prices for each set!
? 5-Star Beef Burger RM39.50
? Forbidden Ration RM38.50
? Thundersplitter RM37.50
We also understand that some of you have been noticing that all the slots are filled up for dine-in. This is most likely due to the fact that when someone selects a slot, the system will ‘reserve’ it for 30 minutes while they complete their selection and make payment. Only making it ‘actually’ full once there is a successful payment. If any payment is not complete after 30 mins or has failed, then the slot will open back up, allowing other people to then potentially book that slot. This system was put in place to account for the large amounts of people trying to book at the same time, to prevent double-booking of slots ?
This is the same system that was used for the two previous games’ events. The site is also facing high traffic so it’s going to be a bit slow to load ? We do apologise for the inconveniences caused. We understand that it might be a bit frustrating, but do keep trying! ?
If you can’t get a dine-in slot, there should still be plenty of self pick-up slots still available throughout the 12 days! Good luck Travellers!
Genshin Impact Pre-Orders Open Tomorrow @ 3PM
Posted on 23rd November 2021
Travellers! Are you excited? ✨ Pre-orders for #HoYoFESTMY Genshin Impact starts tomorrow ? The link opens at 3pm sharp so make sure you have your myBurgerLab+ App downloaded and your trigger fingers ready!
“But wait, what’s the menu for Genshin?” we bet you’re asking right now – well here it is! We’ve curated a special menu just for this event!
First up is the Forbidden Ration! Inspired by one of the famous recipes – The Golden Chicken Burger! ?
With our signature Charcoal Buns, together with Buttermilk Fried Chicken Thigh, a hint of Truffle Butter, and topped with Pickles and the Secret Sauce, this is the only emergency food you’ll ever need on this culinary adventure!
Next up, infuse yourself with the power of an overcharged burger – The Thundersplitter! ⚡️
After consuming it, gain movement and attack speed (+20) with the blessings of Beelzebul – featuring a Fried Chicken Thigh, garnished with fresh Cilantro, Onions and Lime Juice, and finished with Creamy Dill Sour Cream and Green Pepper Relish.
Finally we gotta have one for the beef-lovers! ?
Ever wished upon a legendary star?
Look no further, with this Five Star Beef Burger!
A guaranteed-drop lucky burger, and who knows; maybe its luck will improve your next rolls after consuming it!
Featuring our Mustard Grilled Cheddar Double Beef Patty, topped with our Secret Sauce for that savoury finish ?
Each Burger is accompanied by the Celestial Shower Icy Blue Mint Tea ? specially designed by @leafwater.tea to perfectly and refreshingly duet your burgers! Each combo meal will also include some free combo merch! including a random-design Coaster, a limited edition sticker set, and Postcard! All packed in exclusive #HoYoFEST Packaging!
Sound good? Download the myBurgerLab+ App at get.myburgerlab.com for free and we’ll see you at myBurgerLab @mytownkl Travellers!
Genshin Impact Pre-Orders Starting/Bermula/将在 24/11/2021
Posted on 22nd November 2021
Hello Travellers! We’ve got an announcement to make! We know you’ve been eagerly anticipating the Genshin Impact Event for #HoYoFEST and it’s coming! ? This Wednesday 24 November, Pre-Orders will open for Genshin on the myBurgerLab+ App!
❇️ What will I get with the Pre-Orders?
As with the previous HoYo FEST Events, we’re coming up with a special menu just for Genshin! ? With 3 unique burgers available, a refreshing drink designed by @leafwater.tea and packed in exclusive HoYo FEST packaging with some freebies too! Including a special coaster, sticker set, and postcard among others!
❇️ Will any merch be on sale during the event?
Merchandise will be on sale for the full 12 days of the event! With a specific amount portioned for each day of the event (detailed catalogue coming soon!). And as with the previous games’ events, merchandise can only be purchased after having purchased a Combo Meal first. Each person may only purchase up to 5 pieces of merch with one of each type of merch only.
❇️ Where do I queue to purchase merch?
For the merchandise purchases, just queue at the East Entrance of @mytownkl and we will be giving out turn number for the firsts in line at 10am each day before entering the mall to purchase at the merchandise counter. Note that you may only purchase merchandise on the day of your reservation/pick-up order – you won’t be eligible to purchase merchandise if you arrive before or after your reservation/pick-up date.
❇️ How to Pre-Order for the event?
To pre-order, tap on the miHoYo x mBL icon on the homescreen of the myBurgerLab+ App – available for free download at get.myburgerlab.com and place your order. For more updates on HoYo FEST Malaysia, head to www.myburgerlab.com/mihoyo/
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to DM us! See you soon Travellers!
Apa khabar para Traveller! Kami ada satu pengumuman! Kami tahu anda semua dah teruja menantikan event Genshin Impact untuk #HoYoFESTMY dan ia akan sampai tidak lama lagi! ? 24th November ini, pre-order untuk Genshin Impact akan buka dekat App myBurgerLab+ kami!
❇️ Apa akan saya dapat dalam order saya?
Seperti event HoYo FEST yang lalu, kami akan menyediakan menu istimewa untuk korang! ? Kami telah sediakan 3 burger unik berserta minuman yang pasti menyegarkan direka oleh @leafwater.tea dan dibungkus dalam bungkusan terhad dengan hadiah-hadiah eksklusif HoYo FEST termasuk coaster istimewa, set sticker, dan postcard!
❇️ Adakah barangan eklusif atau merchandise akan dijual semasa tempoh event?
Barangan eklusif akan dijual setiap hari semasa event Genshin Impact. Jumlah merchandise akan dibahagikan untuk 12 hari event (katalog terperinci akan datang!). Seperti event game yang sebelum ini, jualan merchandise hanya terbuka kepada yang telah buat pre-order untuk Combo Makanan. Setiap pelanggan hanya boleh membeli 5 bilangan merchandise dan satu jenis setiap merchandise sahaja.
❇️ Di mana tempat beratur untuk membeli merchandise?
Pelanggan yang ingin membeli merchandise harus beratur di luar Pintu Timur atau ‘East Entrance’ di @mytownkl dan staff kami akan bagi nombor giliran kepada pelanggan-pelanggan yang berada dekat depan barisan pada pukul 10pg setiap hari sebelum menerusi kedalam mall dan ke kounter merchandise. Sila faham bahawa anda hanya boleh membeli merchandise pada hari yang bersamaan tarikh dengan tarikh tempahan anda. Anda tidak akan dibenarkan membeli merchandise jika anda datang pada mana-mana tarikh sebelum atau selepas tarikh tempahan anda.
❇️ Macam mana nak buat pre-order?
Tekan butang miHoYo x mBL dalam App myBurgerLab+ anda dan buat tempahan anda di sana. Apps boleh dimuat turun dekat get.myburgerlab.com untuk percuma. Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda boleh layari www.myburgerlab.com/mihoyo/
Jika anda ada soalan lain, anda boleh msj kami! Jumpa lagi Travellers!
旅行者们好!我们有一个公告要发布!我们知道您一直热切期待#HoYoFEST的 《原神》 活动,它即将到来! 这个星期三 11 月 24 日,将在 myBurgerLab+ 应用程序上为 《原神》 开放预订!
❇️ 预购后我会得到什么?
与之前的HoYo FEST活动一样,我们为 《原神》 设计了一份特别菜单! ? 提供 3 种独特的汉堡,一种由@leafwater.tea 设计的提神饮料,并采用独家 HoYo FEST 包装和一些免费周边赠品!包括特别杯垫、贴纸和明信片等!
❇️ 活动期间会出售任何周边商品吗?
周边商品将在活动期间的每一天发售!活动的每一天都有特定数量的分配(详细目录即将推出!)。与之前的游戏活动一样,周边商品只能在先购买指定HoYoFEST x myBurgerLab的套餐后才能购买。每个人最多只能购买 5 件周边商品,每种周边商品只能购买一件。
❇️ 我在哪里排队购买周边商品?
购买周边商品,只需在@mytownkl 东入口【East Entrance】排队,我们将在每天上午 10 点以先到先得的方式分发号码给符合购买周边商品资格的旅行者们。请注意,您只能在预订用餐/外带订单的当天购买周边商品 – 如果您在预订用餐/外带订单日期之前或之后到达,则没有资格购买周边商品。
❇️ 如何预订活动?
要预订,请点击 myBurgerLab+ 应用程序主屏幕上的 miHoYo x mBL 图标即可下订单 – 可从 get.myburgerlab.com 免费下载并预订。有关HoYo FEST Malaysia的更多更新,请访问 www.myburgerlab.com/mihoyo/
Tears of Themis Day 3 : Merchandise Sales Are Done!
Posted on 21st November 2021
Hello Attorneys!
Thanks for the amazing support the past 3 days 🙂 As of today, we have officially sold out of merchandise for Tears of Themis. Pre-Orders for HoYoFEST Shikishi Board & HoYoFEST Chibi Acrylic will remain available at mBL MyTown until 30/11/2021, or until a maximum cap has been reached (at organizers discretion).
We’ve definitely had a blast the last 3 days, even managing to chat with some of you, hearing what you thought about our special event food and drinks, as well as your thoughts on the event in general, and we’re looking forward to seeing the rest of you throughout the ToT period.
Anyway – Here are some Day 3 Moments that we caught on camera;
Insider TIP! – If you’ve missed out on merch, not worry! We still have Event-exclusive freebies that come with each and every set meal such as coasters, straw hooks, burger toppers, postcards and even stickers! Haven’t booked your meal yet? Order now on the myBurgerLab+ App! 🙂

Rin (IG : @rin.rin97) with her meal, and the freebies that came with it 🙂
HoyoFEST : Tears of Themis Day 1 Wrapped-Up 🙂
Posted on 19th November 2021
#HoYoFESTMY Tears of Themis had an awesome Day 1! 🥳 Looking forward to seeing more Attorneys for the next couple weeks!...
Posted by myBurgerLab on Friday, November 19, 2021
#HoYoFESTMY Tears of Themis had an awesome Day 1! ? Looking forward to seeing more Attorneys for the next couple weeks!
Come and meet some new friends & look out for some special COSPLAYERS for Day 2! ? your fav Husbando might just drop by the Lab!
#HoYoFEST #TearsOfThemis
Less Than 24 Hours Till the Start of Hoyo FEST : Tears of Themis!
Posted on 18th November 2021
Hello Attorneys! ☀️ Hope everyone’s pumped to head to #HoYoFESTMY tomorrow! We’ can’t wait to meet the day ones! ? We just wanna show y’all what merch is in store for you and run you guys through the purchasing flow for the merchandise tomorrow~As you would know by now, the merchandise for the Tears of Themis portion of #HoYoFEST will only be on sale for the FIRST 3 DAYS of the event – that’s 19 – 21 November. First things first, don’t worry if your reservation is on a later date! You can still come by on any of the first 3 days to queue and buy the merch!
We know it’s been said many times before, but in the interest of maintaining and setting expectations, we gotta remind everyone that the merchandise is in super limited quantity ? Purchases are first come first served as well, and each person (with a valid receipt for the collaboration meals) is allowed to purchase only 8 items in total:
? Badges x 3pcs
? Keychains x 2 pcs
? Acrylic Stand x 1pc
? HoYo FEST – Tears of Themis Shikishi Board x 1pc
? Other Merchandise (Figures, Pillows, Plushies, Blankets) x 1pc
If you’re keen on purchasing the merchandise, please queue at the East Entrance of MyTown KL. We will be allocating numbers by batches at 10am ? Also note that the quantities mentioned above apply to each eligible individual in the queue, regardless of the number of combo meals purchased.
If you would like to check out the Merchandise Rules & Regulations again, you may check them out HERE 🙂
See you soon Attorneys!
Tears of Themis Meals – Are You Hungry Yet?
Posted on 17th November 2021Hey Attorneys! Looking forward to the Tears of Themis HoYo FEST? ? We’ve got so much in store for you! With 4 special menus curated just for this event and inspired by our favorite boys! ?
Dig into the Salted Egg Yolk Burger! A Fried Chicken Sandwich that we thought would be perfect for the dear Luke Pearce! This absolute failsafe burger is treated as a lucky charm before a mission. Affectionately dubbed the Raven, it features a Fried Chicken Thigh coated generously with Salted-Egg Yolk Sauce, served with aromatic Curry Mayo. This can-go-no-wrong burger will fulfil your cravings for a sweet and salty satisfaction. Completing the meal is a Summery Passion-Mango Tea*!
If Artem is your man then you’re gonna be looking for the Seattle Burger! A highly-energised burger that will surely perk you up, even as a late-night quick meal ? A classic Cheeseburger with a runny Egg, Lettuce, Oven-Roasted Tomatoes, served with a drizzling of Coffee Mayo for that toasty yet lightly sweet finish. All served in a fluffy Charcoal Bun. Paired with his namesake Autumn Guava-Pomegranate Tea*.
Is Marius your best boy? Look for the Elvis Burger! Named after the King of Rock, this myBurgerLab Classic has been paired with ToT’s own ‘King’! ? Marius’ pursuit for success and perfection is evident as he balances this unique burger of subtle sweetness and savouriness. A Cheddar-topped Beef Patty combined with Onion Jam, the Pax Group’s secret X+ sauce and finished with Blueberry Jam. The burger is perfectly complemented by the Wintery Honeydew Oolong Tea*! ❄️
Vyn’s burger is nothing to scoff at either! The Rising Sun Burger is a breakfast-themed Fried Chicken burger with scrambled eggs & Toasted Yeast Mayo, Sharp Cheddar and Green Salsa in a Charcoal Bun. Wash it down with a Spring Apple Earl Grey Tea*! ? This bold burger-tea pairing is one of the doctor’s ways of trying to break tradition and carving his own path of justice.
Whoever your best boy is, we got you covered ? Each set comes with some freebies for your keepsakes ?, collect them all!
Can’t wait? Place your pre-orders for HoYo FEST MY at mBL MyTOWN on the myBurgerLab+ App ( download now at http://get.myburgerlab.com/ ). See you soon Attorneys!
* Special Event Drinks are designed and brewed by @leafwater.tea, which is run by one of our Geeky Alumni ✨
Achievement Unlocked : HoYoFEST – Honkai Impact 3rd Completed
Posted on 16th November 2021
Hey Captains! It’s time to call your Valkyries back to the Hyperion, for the battle has come to a close ✨
It’s been a Impactful 12 days (forgive us while we giggle endlessly at our own pun ?) and we couldn’t be more thankful to all of you awesome peeps who came by to support the Honkai Impact Portion of HoYoFEST 2021.
Some of yall even took the time to give us suggestions, ideas, and helped us out along the way too (You know who you are! We appreciate it fam ❤️) With that, do also accept our regrets and apologies for any mistakes we have made along the way. This was new territory for us, some days we felt like we jumped right into the ‘Abyss’ ?. Nevertheless, we made it out, not entirely unscathed, but definitely having learned a lot.
So, again – Thank you Captains, for being the awesome peeps that you are, and for your understanding when it came to our shortcomings, as well as for the limitations we faced. If the time were ever to come for a sequel to this chapter, we know we’d walk onto that battlefield stronger, and much more well-informed ?
Before we sign-off, here are some of our favourite moments from the last 12 days ? Definitely a chapter to remember eh?
Until next time (or Maybe this Friday, if you’re coming for Tears of Themis too ?). Stay safe, and stay awesome!
– The mBL Crew❤️
Last Day For Honkai Impact Event Is Tomorrow! Pre-Order Now If You Haven’t 😉
Posted on 15th November 2021
Hi Captains! We’re approaching the last day for the Honkai Impact 3 portion of HoYo FEST 2021! The last day is tomorrow peeps! We’ve still got slots for dine-in available tomorrow so if you haven’t tried out the Borscht Burger, Pizza Burger Special, or Raiden Nachos yet, this is your last chance! ? Kiana, Bronya, and Mei are waiting for you! ?
Don’t miss out on these special menu items Captains! Come Wednesday, they’ll be off the menu! Download the myBurgerLab+ App to book your slot on the last day at get.myburgerlab.com ? See you at mBL MyTown!
Honkai Impact Characters will be at HoyoFEST 2021 This Weekend!
Posted on 13th November 2021

Cosplayers Iris (IG: @iris_kyin) and Mai (IG: @oatmymai) visited us today at mBL MyTown 🙂
Captains! Wanna take a memorable pic with your favourite Honkai Impact 3 Characters? We’ve got some awesome cosplayers coming over to #HoYoFEST this weekend! ?
These are just some of the scenes today with the beautiful Raiden Mei, Theresa, and we even had a fan come in full costume today!
Yuii & Chel will be coming as two mystery characters tomorrow from 11am-2pm, and Iris and Mai, who came today as Raiden Mei and Theresa respectively will also be back tomorrow from 2pm-5pm! The best part is that we still have dine-in slots available for tomorrow ? so if you wanna cop a slot, download the myBurgerLab+ App @ get.myburgerlab.com and tap on the miHoYo x mBL icon to book your Sunday slot! See you soon captains!
Tears of Themis Pre-Orders : More Time Slots Open! Pre-Book For Dine-In / Pick-Up
Posted on 12th November 2021
Hi Attorneys! We’ve got good news for you! We’re opening up more slots for the Tears of Themis Event for HoYo FEST! ? We saw the response and straight away got to work to add more slots! So now we will be having 10 time-slots per day (each hour) for the duration of the event! This also includes new slots for the first 3 days of the event as well!
So go on ahead to the myBurgerLab+ App and book your slots! If you don’t have the app yet, just download it for free at get.myburgerlab.com ? See you soon Attorneys!
Tears of Themis Pre-Orders : Our Server Crashed 🙁 Will Be Partially Up And Running At 12PM
Posted on 12th November 2021
Hi Attorneys! We’re sure many of you have been facing lags and crashes and glitches on the Pre-Order page for Tears of Themis on the myBurgerLab+ App ?⚡️ And for that we are truly sorry ??
Due to the sudden and high traffic on the page, our servers have overloaded and is not behaving as it should. Hence we are closing the link now for some fixes to get it running more smoothly and to handle the high traffic on the page.
At 12pm today, we will be opening up the original 3 time-slots for the first 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). On top of that, we will also be opening up EXTRA slots for the first 3 days – 2 extra time-slots – at 5pm today along with the rest of the slots for the remainder of the event period, from Monday onwards.
We do apologize for the inconvenience caused ?♀️ your kind understanding is really appreciated.
Tears of Themis Pre-Orders Open Now!
Posted on 12th November 2021
Don’t have the myBurgerLab+ Yet? 🙂 Download it here now at http://get.myburgerlab.com/
See you soon! 🙂
Tears of Themis Pre-Orders Open/Buka/ 开放 11AM 12/11/2021
Posted on 11th November 2021

Hey Attorneys! It’s almost here ? Pre-Orders for the Tears of Themis portion of #HoYoFEST2021 is opening up at 11AM tomorrow!
Available exclusively on the myBurgerLab+ App! – Just tap on the miHoYo x myBurgerLab Icon on the homescreen to place your order! The App will send you a notification once it’s online so don’t forget to turn your notifications for the App ON so you don’t miss out!
Please do check out the merchandise rules on this website before you place your pre-order!
As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to DM us! See you soon Attorneys!
Para Attorney semua! Ianya bakal tiba! ? Pra-tempah set Tears of Themis anda sempena pembukaan #HoYoFEST2021, esok jam 11pagi!
Eksklusif untuk pengguna myBurgerLab+ App! – Hanya klik pada ikon miHoYo x myBurgerLab di laman utama untuk membuat pesanan! App akan menghantar anda notis sebaik sahaja acara bermula jadi jangan lupa untuk ONkan notifications dalam App supaya anda tak ketinggalan!
Sila rujuk kepada syarat pembelian ‘merchandise’ di laman web ini sebelum anda membuat pesanan!
Jika anda ada sebarang pertanyaan, jangan malu-malu untuk DM kami! Jumpa anda di sana!
嘿律师们!快到了#HoYoFEST2021《未定事件簿》的预购,预购将于明天上午 11 点正开放!
仅在 myBurgerLab+ 应用程序上预购!-只需点击主屏幕上miHoYo x myBurgerLab 的图标即可下订单!该预购上线后,会在应用程序向您发送通知,因此请不要忘记打开该应用程序的通知,以免错过任何最新的消息!
Pre-Order Slots For Honkai Impact Meals On 11NOV – 16NOV Are Available!
Posted on 10th November 2021
Hey Captains! Have you made your booking for the Honkai Impact segment of #HoYoFEST2021 yet? If you haven’t, we’ve got great news for you! We’ve got open slots for dine-in & self-pickup for Thursday (11/11) all the way until Tuesday (16/11)!
(6) Limited Edition Food Packaging (Burger Box + Paper Bag)
How to book? Just go into your myBurgerLab+ App and tap the miHoYo X myBurgerLab icon on the homescreen to place your booking!Don’t have the myBurgerLab+ App yet? Download it for free on Android or IOS at get.myburgerlab.com
Can’t wait for you guys to see the awesome deco and food we’ve got in-store for y’all! See you soon Captains!
Tears of Themis Pre-Bookings Delayed
Posted on 9th November 2021
Dear Attorneys,
There’s been a new development in the case, and we’re here to keep you up to date. We’re aware we mentioned that pre-bookings for the Tears of Themis segment of HoyoFEST would open today, however, we have encountered some setbacks relating to the backend system and T&Cs.
Using our Intuition, Logic and Empathy, we made the decision to hold off for now whilst we work out these minor setbacks to ensure the smoothest possible experience for you attorneys. We’re also taking into account the lessons we have learned from the Honkai Impact segment, and are working towards creating a more straightforward process this round.
Based on our estimates, we should have this worked out within the next 1.5 days. But we’ll be sure to shoot a notification out on the myBurgerLab+ app the moment pre-bookings open up! So make sure you have your notifications turned on, and the app installed (you can get it at get.myburgerlab.com if you don’t have it yet).
Apologies for any inconveniences caused, and do feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram should you have any questions 🙂
miHoYo x myBurgerLab: HoYo Fest 2021 Update
Posted on 7th November 2021
Hi Captains! Here’s just a little update for HoYo FEST Malaysia at myBurgerLab MyTOWN~
So after noticing a few things today and how the crowd behaves, we’ve come up with a few updated guidelines and info for y’all!
First off, we heard that you guys are really loving the collab menu for HoYo FEST, and we have to say we’re super happy! Though we also noticed that some have messaged in saying the slots are sold out! So cuz of the great reviews, we’re opening up more slots to dine-in for y’all to come and enjoy the Honkai-themed Food! ?
There’s new slots available from Wed 10 Nov onwards! Mon and Tue are already full-up, so head over to the myBurgerLab+ App and tap the miHoYo X mBL Icon to book yourself and your gang a slot next week! Download the myBurgerLab+ App at get.myburgerlab.com
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We’ll be honest with you; ????? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ????? ????. Given the amount we’re allowed to sell, only ?-?? ??????????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???????? merch. We know it isn’t great, but those are the facts.
We’ll be controlling the queue, giving out turn numbers at the ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ????. If you are queueing in front of our Lab before 10am, and no number in hand, you will not be eligible to purchase any merchandise. So make sure you queue at the East Entrance before then to get yourself a turn number.
We weren’t joking when we said the merch is super limited, and we aren’t getting any more unfortunately. We saw some folks lining up at different locations @ 8am today, so please head to the correct area before 10am to up your chances.
We understand how important some of this merch is to you guys, but don’t forget that it’s an unprecedented event, and the first of its kind to land in Malaysia. With special food, an awesome decorated space, and a unique opportunity for you to enjoy with your friends, take memorable pictures, and come together with the community you love ? With that, we’ll see you soon folks!
P/s: We will try work on something different for the next two games??
FAQ: bit.ly/3bdf9ce
miHoYo x myBurgerLab: HoYo Fest 2021 Update
Posted on 7th November 2021
Good morning #HoYoFest fam!
This is the line at 930am this morning.
If you are otw now, the likelihood of getting a merch today is almost 0%. Sorry but we have limited merch per day as per organizers request ??
However, we do hope you come and enjoy the food, community and ambience.
You can place your reservations online with us for the next few days via our app (https://get.myburgerlab.com) See you soon. ❤️ As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to DM us on FB or IG! For more FAQs, head to https://bit.ly/3bdf9ce to learn more. See you soon folks!
HoYo Fest @ mBL : What We’ve Learned In The Last 2 Days
Posted on 6th November 2021
Hey peeps! This is just a little update for the HoYo FEST 2021 Fans ?
Hope everyone has been enjoying the event so far at myBurgerLab MyTOWN! We want to go on record to say that we couldn’t be happier to have a fest this big in our hands – working with miHoYo, on a trio of games that we’re big fans of – it’s a privilege to be a part of miHoYo’s first SEA launch, and as Geeks (in all sense of the word) we are super thankful.
That said, this is the first time we’re organizing an event like this. We know we don’t know how to do it well yet, but we’re learning ?? We’d just like to share what we’ve learnt in the past 2 days after our experience, the questions we’ve been asked, and perhaps to pass on some info for those who’ve yet to attend to ensure your experience goes as smooth and as awesome as possible!
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In order to be able to purchase the merch, you need to have booked or purchased any of the Collab Combo Meals. “How do I do that?” we hear you ask? You need to open the myBurgerLab+ App ( available for free at get.myburgerlab.com ) and tap on the miHoYo X myBurgerLab icon on the homescreen to book yourself a slot to dine-in and order your meals ahead!
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Merch counter opens at 11am everyday and it is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! With the rules given and the amounts that we have – which some of you would know by now, are super limited – it’s difficult for us to pace it out throughout the day. Our advice? Come to the Lab as early in the day as possible to be able to have a better chance of getting the merch you want ⏰ We notice folks lining up as early at 9am each day.
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There will be an area to queue prepared for the merch counter. After going through it the past two days, this is the best and fairest solution we have, VS pacing the merch out each hour (there’s simply not enough for this), or having them available for purchase online, which ups the chances for scalpers to get their hands on it instead of the true fans who want it for keeps.
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We know that some of you haven’t been too happy with the delivery orders – late arrivals, rider unavailability. We hear you and we understand your frustrations ?? We’ve been doing our best, but with the bad weather recently and the lack of riders, the best solution would be to come by the Lab to pick up your orders. All delivery fees can be refunded, just DM us with your order info and we will get that sorted for you. To paint you a picture, at best it will arrive within 30 mins of your requested time, and at the worst it can be a 2-3 hour delay. If self-collection is not an option for you, we put our hands together in apology and ask that you be patient with us and the situation. Know that we’re doing our best, and welcome any and all constructive feedback you have for us!
For the best experience, pre-book for dine-in via our app! Get the burgers hot and fresh, and get the full #HoYoFEST experience with the special decor in the Lab. Take pics with your friends, and enjoy the company of other gamers! As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to DM us on FB or IG! For more FAQs, head to https://bit.ly/3bdf9ce to learn more. See you soon folks!
HoYo Fest @ mBL : What We’ve Learned In The Last 2 Days
Posted on 4th November 2021
Hey hey HoYo FEST fans!
It’s the 5th tomorrow and we can’t wait to have you by the Lab for all the awesomeness! The 3 menus that we’ve prepared especially for the Honkai Impact 3 event are sure to rock your world!
To ensure that you get the closest thing to the in-game food as possible, we put ourselves in the shoes of Kiana, Mei, and Bronya – as if they made the goodies themselves!
First up is the Pizza Burger Special inspired by Kiana Kaslana herself! This special burger was made with the absolute love of crusty, cheesy pizza just like Kiana’s! Made with love, this burger features a succulent grilled chicken patty made with not one, but two types of cheese! Dripping with stretchy Mozarella and sharp Cheddar cheese, the patty is then topped with crispy Chicken Pepperoni, and paired with a rich super special Secret Sauce! All on a bed of fresh Lettuce, Tomato & Capsicum, all sandwiched between Charcoal Buns!
Next up is the Borscht Burger! Inspired by Honkai’s Bronya – this burger is our take on the MRE meal! Our Beef Lab Burger has been reshaped and now features special Caramelised Beetroot, and finished with a generous drizzle of Dill Sour Cream. This one-of-a-kind burger is sure to move your sense of reasoning.
Last but definitely not least are the Raiden Nachos! Envisioned as Raiden Mei’s Specialty Nachos, this dish will send your taste buds into an awakening! These loaded nachos features mBL’s Sloppy Minced Chicken, an Animal-style Beef Patty, and topped with Jalapeños, Cilantro, Fresh Onions, served with a side of Creamy Avocado Dip! This crunchy dish is a sure crowd-puller, bringing together the students of St. Freya’s.
Each burger comes with a side of mBL’s Awesome Fries and a limited edition Crystal Tea made with Pomegranate, Dragonfruit, Konyaku Pearls and a special sprinkling of Silver Dust to create not only a refreshing, but a mesmerising experience too!
If you haven’t booked your meals yet, there are still plenty of slots available! Just download the myBurgerLab+ App and tap on the miHoYo icon on the homepage and reserve your goodies now! It’s tuning from 5 – 16 November so don’t miss out folks! See you at HoYo FEST 2021!
HoYo Fest @ mBL : Honkai Impact Merch Update
Posted on 4th November 2021
Hey Honkai fans!
Ok here is the latest update on merch.
We’ve got good news (and a little not so great news) – all of the merch are available* throughout the event period starting on the 5th Nov – 16th Nov!
However here are the caveats.
Do take note that this arrangement is at the request of the organizers so please be gentle with us k ???
While each type of merchandise is available everyday throughout the event, BUT the quantities of each merchandise is ULTRA MEGA LIMITED ? for each day of the event.
Purchases will be made over the counter at myBurgerLab MyTOWN during the event (event date start and end), and it’s first come first serve only.
That being said, we look forward to serving you the specially crafted HoYo FEST Meals inspired from the game itself. We’ve got the Borscht Burger, inspired by the feisty Bronya, the Raiden Nachos inspired by Raiden Mei, and of course the Pizza Burger Special inspired by none other than Kiana Kaslana herself! They were a blast to create and we hope you’ll enjoy them too!
If you have any questions, feel free to DM us! See you soon peeps!
HoYo Fest @ mBL : Online Ordering For Honkai Opening Soon!
Posted on 27th October 2021
Hey Peeps! We know many of you have been asking, and it’s happening!
Online ordering for the Honkai Impact period for #HoYoFEST is opening today at 5pm! Be sure to have your myBurgerLab+ Apps downloaded and ready to book your slots! ?
Remember peeps, ordering for HoYo FEST is available exclusively on the myBurgerLab+ Official App so be sure to download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store, or head to get.myburgerlab.com for ordering and also to enjoy other exclusive myBurgerLab deals!
Do note that during the event period (5th November – 16th November), myBurgerLab MyTOWN will not be serving the regular myBurgerLab menu, and will only be serving the pre-ordered meals for HoYo FEST.
For merchandise information, do stay tuned for more updates from us and MiHoYo (not available for purchase at the moment) ?? More details on purchasing and availability coming soon!
[𝗠𝗜𝗛𝗢𝗬𝗢 𝗫 𝗠𝗬𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗔𝗕: 𝗛𝗢𝗬𝗢 𝗙𝗘𝗦𝗧 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗦𝗜𝗔 🇲🇾 𝗜𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗟𝗔𝗕! 🍔✨] Hey Peeps! We've got some incredibly exciting...
Posted by myBurgerLab on Monday, October 25, 2021